If you are a forward thinking owner of a small business, then you have likely done some research on internet and search marketing already. However, there are certain aspects of business and marketing that are relatively hard to research if you do not know what to look for. Unfortunately, this rule stands for search engine optimization. Here are some fact about SEO, the success of SEO services and where they are headed.
So what is SEO marketing?
Search engine optimization, better known as SEO, is a form of marketing that uses knowledge of how search engine rankings work to attain better search results for businesses, products, and services.
How does search optimization for internet marketing work?
The strength od SEO is based on two facts. Approximately 80% of people scroll past sponsored search results as seen at the top of the page, or on the side as pay-per-click advertisements and click on an organic search result. Furthermore, 75% of people say they find what they are looking for within the first page of search results, and never scroll on to a second page. This means that being able to generate organic search results that will land on that first page is a nearly invaluable skill. This is how many of the best SEO resellers offer a $22 to $1 return on investment ratio.
Ultimately, the numbers are an SEO service’s best friend. Inbound marketing, such as search engine optimization, costs 61% less than outbound marketing strategies. As an online marketing mechanism, SEO has conversion rate that is 25% greater than that of pay-per-click.
What are the latest and greatest SEO services doing now?
Optimizing content to be viewed on mobile device operating systems. If you have ever clicked on a website using a mobile device only to find that a page will not load, or that it looks skewed, then that page was not optimized to be viewed using your mobile device. This is a large deterrent for consumers, and can lead directly to lost sales for businesses. Since over 75% of smart phone out there use either Android or iOS operating systems, optimizing is fairly simple, and just a matter of applying the right know how.
Search engine optimization is also exploring the transferability of SEO marketing strategy to new media. Optimizing content to be shared on Facebook, Twitter and other social media is leading to some interesting and profitable techniques. For one thing, SEO is moving ever further away from hard articles. While hard informational articles are still the most common form of SEO, online marketing as a whole is diversifying and focussing a many efforts on the development of social-media-ready content. A smart SEO content developer is also creating to increase social media sharing.